Tuesday, July 20, 2010

iPhone Game Development in a (Coco)Nutshell

    Recently I gave myself a quest to build an iPhone game and have it published, so I converted myself into an Apple cultist by buying my first Mac, and then started learning Objective-C and Cocoa Touch framework with almost no experience under my belt. But soon I was amazed at the simplicity of the framework and the language itself, especially the delegate design pattern, which goes hand-in-hand with the smalltalk-inspired message passing feature of obj-C.
   Now a little bit on the process of game development on iPhone. There are currently a plethora of engines to aid the creation of 2D/3D games, such as Unity3D and Cocos2D. The Cocos2D is an open-source project aiming to provide the indie community with a better environment for making simple 2D games. There are also tons of helper tools that generate files Cocos2D could read in the form of XML.
   Since the kind of game I am going to implement is quite similar to a platformer in many ways, I decided to begin the journey from there. The pipeline I picked was a popular one : Cocos2D for rendering, Box2D for physics, Tiled for level editing, Zwoptex for exporting spritesheets.(and perhaps Particle Designer in the future).
   Here you can watch the video: (and please do support my game when it's realsed lol)